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Bone Density Test

Bone Density Testing at Methodist

What is bone density testing?

Bone density testing, or densitometry, is primarily used to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bones’ mineral content and density are low, increasing the risk for fractures.

Bone density testing uses a specialized form of X-ray testing called dual-energy X-ray absorptionometry (DXA or DEXA). The test is done much in the same way as a traditional X-ray, and is quick and painless. There are two types of DEXA devices. Central DEXA devices measure bone density in the hip and spine. Peripheral devices can measure bone density in the wrist, heel, or finger.

Who needs a bone density test?

Bone density testing is usually recommended for people at high risk for osteoporosis. You may be at risk if you:

Take an osteoporosis risk assessment for women.
Take an osteoporosis quiz to learn more about the disease that thins and weakens a person's bones, making them less dense and more fragile.

Imaging must be ordered by a physician

To find a doctor or request an appointment,
call (214) 947-0000.