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Your heart could use more laughter


Laughing each day could keep the doctor away, especially when it comes to your heart. Numerous studies have shown the health benefits to smiling and laughing frequently, with most of the information centering on the stress-reducing effect of laughter. It's important to always discuss your concerns and overall health with your Cardiologist, but you should also discuss ways to lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other conditions.

Here are a few ways that laughing and smiling helps to improve heart health:

  • Helps the heart recover more quickly after stressful events[1]
  • Temporarily reduces blood pressure
  • Slows down heart rates[2]
  • People who smile and laugh often are less likely to develop heart disease.[3]
  • Those with heart disease are 40 percent less likely to laugh
  • Laughter is linked to healthy and functioning blood vessels[4]
  • Laughter reduces the stress hormones produced in the brain, which are the same hormones linked to heart attacks and stroke
  • The positive effects of laughter on the body can last up to 12 to 24 hours

Send a Smile

You aorta know that Methodist Health System loves a good laugh, and considering the heart-healthy aspect, we want to invite you to celebrate World Laughter Day with us on May 1. Share the giggles with friends and family, and reap the benefits of lowered blood pressure, reduced stress, and a brighter mood. It might seem like heart work, but it's also quite simple:

  1. Click on the image below or go to
  2. Find a joke that makes your endorphins run wild
  3. Pick which loved ones need a hearty laugh
  4. On May 1, the smiles will be sent in celebration of World Laughter Day!

Don't forget to share what makes you laugh on social media! Use the hashtag #Methodist Smiles to share your punniest one-liners, or the latest dad joke that made your kids face-palm. More importantly, share the news about the heart-healthy benefits of laughing and smiling each day!

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