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How Lack of Sleep Alters Performance

Though getting the recommended amount of sleep each night is essential for everyone, quality sleep is especially important for athletes. Without the right amount of rest, your physical recovery can suffer and your injury rate can increase.

When you get a good night's rest, your body releases hormones that aid in muscle repair and fight inflammation, as well as other essential steps. So here's why you should make it a point to ensure you get a good night's sleep before the big game:

Alters Reaction Time

Rest has been known to be essential to help us accurately complete tasks that require quick reaction time or excellent motor skills. Studies have shown that when a group of tennis players increased their sleep to 10 hours a night for five weeks, their hitting accuracy increased by 42%. Not to mention, when you are well-rested, you mentally feel more prepared to give it your all.

Sleep is Needed for Proper Recovery

When you are in the deepest stages of sleep, your muscles and nervous system are recovering from your daily activities. When you miss out on the recommended amount of sleep, your muscle recovery is slower, which is also an essential part of muscle growth. Not only will it alter your immediate recovery time, but long-term sleep deprivation could also cut your career short.

Chance of Injury Could Increase

Since long-term fatigue can alter your recovery time and your reaction time, it may also lead to an increased opportunity for injury. Your cells are not recovering as they should, making your muscles unprepared for the task at hand. Not to mention, if an injury does occur in a game when fatigue is present, your reaction time will be slower, altering your ability to protect yourself.

Beyond learning proper form, it's important to consider talking to your coach or doctor about the proper amount of rest you should achieve each night.

Comprehensive Diagnosis & Treatment

Methodist Sports Medicine wants to help you be at the top of your game. For an evaluation or treatment of a chronic or acute injury, contact us or give us a call at (214) 947-6296.