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Top Ways to Get Ready for Track Season

Preparing for Track Season

Track and field is a sport that not only requires stamina but physical and mental strength too. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or just starting, here are some tips on how to get ready and stay on your game all season long.

Adopt a Conditioning Routine

Preparation is key to performing at your best. Here’s why conditioning routines are essential:

  • Reduces the risk of injury
  • Increases bone health
  • Improves posture
  • Raises endorphin levels
  • Improves overall fitness
  • Increases metabolism

Know the Common Injuries Associated with Track and Field

Whether you’re a runner, jumper, or thrower, these common track and field injuries could put you on the bench.

Running Injuries

  • Fractures
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • IT (Iliotibial) band strain (most common for long-distance)
  • Bursitis (most common for sprinters)
  • Hamstring strains (most common for sprinters)
  • Labral tear of the hip

Jumping Injuries

  • Fractures
  • ACL strains/tears
  • Bursitis
  • Achilles tendonitis

Throwing Injuries

  • Labral tear of the shoulder
  • Shoulder bursitis
  • Spondylolysis - a crack or stress fracture in one of the vertebrae (most common for javelin throwers)
  • UCL tears in the elbow
  • Rotator cuff injury

If you’ve sustained any of the above injuries, consulting an experienced sports medicine doctor can help you get back on the track sooner than later.

Stretch Properly

There are two types of stretching, and both are equally important:

  • Dynamic stretches are done as a warm-up. These types of stretches are controlled movements that help prepare the ligaments, muscles, and soft tissues before working out or any athletic event. Dynamic stretches can be done standing, sitting, or lying down while holding a single position for a period of time.

  • Static stretches are done after working out to cool down. Static stretches can help prevent and reduce your risk of sustaining an injury as well as improve flexibility. Static stretching is done by moving your muscles as far as your range of motion can go without pain.

Dallas and Fort Worth Sports Medicine

From sports injury prevention to treatment, Methodist Health System is here to help you perform at your best. See the full list of services we offer or to make an appointment, or contact us today!