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Returning to Your Sport Following a Head Injury

Properly Return to Activity Following a TBI

Whether you've taken a nasty spill or experienced some impact that has resulted in a concussion, it is essential that you take the right precautions before jumping back into physical activity. The experts at Methodist Sports Medicine outline some of the steps you should take to get you back in the game as safely as possible.

Introducing Light Aerobic Activity

Once you have received the go ahead from your physician, you are able to begin returning to regular activity. For the few days, it is advised that you only engage in light physical activity like walking, riding an exercise bike, or light jogging for 5 to 10 minutes at a time

Increase to Moderate-Intensity Aerobic Activity

If you continue to see improvement, you are now able to engage in physical activity that raises your heart rate at a slightly higher intensity. You can graduate to jogging, brief periods of running, and lifting weights at lower intervals and weight than usual.

Slowly Introduce High-Impact Activities

Although it is still advised that you avoid contact activities, you are now able to increase the intensity of your workouts. You can return to your normal weight lifting limits and participate in high-intensity activities like sprinting, running, and biking.

Go Back to Practice

You are now able to return to practice and full-contact activities. However, it is important for you to pay attention to your body and pace yourself.

Return to Games & Competitions

After fully adjusting to your usual activity level, you may now return to participating in competitions and games.

If symptoms return at any point, wait until you don't experience symptoms for at least 24 hours before returning to the previous step.

Sports Medicine in Dallas and Fort Worth

If you’ve sustained a sports injury, or you want to improve your overall athletic ability, Methodist Sports Medicine can help. See our full list of services or contact us for an appointment today.