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Benign Tumor Patient Success Stories

Monique Brown - benign tumor success story
Dr. Nangia diagnosed the cause of Monique’s mysterious high blood pressure as a benign tumor on her left adrenal gland.

Darla Perkins - lipoma tumor success story
“They literally saved my life; I don’t think I could have lived with the lump any longer,” she says. “My confidence level has gone through the roof. I’m not afraid to live anymore.”

Jennifer Scott - benign tumor success story
“When he came in the room, he was in tears — but they were happy tears,” Shawna says. “He hugged me and said, ‘We got it!’ It was the best news ever.”

Rachel Toliver - keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) success story
“I was a bit apprehensive about the procedure when I arrived, but everyone at Methodist Dallas was so friendly and helpful that I soon felt very comfortable,” she remembers.