Bonnie Kaufman – da Vinci® Colorectal Success Story
As seen on TV
Methodist Charlton treated Bonnie Kaufman’s cancer with the latest technology and knowledge

at Methodist Charlton to remove her colon
cancer, Bonnie Kaufman is happy to be back
in her garden – and spending time with
her great–grandchildren
Retiree Bonnie Kaufman was enjoying her active lifestyle, spending time with her five great-grandkids and tending her yard, among other activities. That all came to a halt when doctors discovered she had colon cancer and would require surgery.
The trouble began in May 2013 when Bonnie was scheduled for a
colonoscopy to find the source of her anemia.
“Because of my low heart rate, the procedure had to be postponed,”
Bonnie says. Even though a sonogram of her heart and an X-ray of the large
intestine did not reveal any health concerns, she began having severe
stomach pain.
“Even housekeeping became too much of a chore for me,” she says.
In February, her primary care physician, Shehetaj Abdurrahim, MD, on the medical staff at Methodist Charlton Medical Center, scheduled a CT scan, which showed
a spot on Bonnie’s colon. Bonnie was referred to Anil Tibrewal, MD, general surgeon on the medical staff. A follow-up colonoscopy confirmed it was cancer.
Dr. Tibrewal suggested a minimally invasive procedure to remove the cancerous section of her colon.
Great care at Methodist Charlton
Dr. Tibrewal is specially trained in operating with the robotic da Vinci® Surgical System, which gives surgeons increased visibility, dexterity, and precision when operating.
“I thought it was exciting!” Bonnie says about having robot-assisted surgery. She remembers watching a TV program on robotic surgery and thinking, “That’s the kind of surgery I had.”
Bonnie says the team who cared for her at Methodist Charlton was great. She also appreciated the large hospital room that easily accommodated a visit from her great-grandchildren and her daughter-in-law’s overnight stay.
Fast healing
Everyone was surprised that Bonnie had so little pain after surgery, just some soreness for a few days. Even better is that the robotic procedure removed all of the cancer, eliminating the need for chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
Bonnie was quickly back to playing in the yard with her great-grandkids — and recruiting them to help with yard work. At age 82, she’s mowing the grass, pulling weeds, and trimming bushes. “Anything it takes to enjoy the outdoors,” Bonnie says.
Bounce back like Bonnie did!
Patients who have surgical procedures with the da Vinci robot tend to have quick recoveries. To learn more, visit