Barbara and Earle Jones – Diabetes Success Stories
Methodist Charlton Diabetes Self-Management Program helps couple keep diabetes under control
From the spring 2011 edition of
Shine magazine
Duncanville residents Barbara and Earle Jones share their story of being diagnosed and treated for diabetes much as they have shared things throughout their 45 years of marriage. There is a common theme as they both work to adjust their diet and exercise habits to keep their diabetes under control. "This is a lifetime commitment," they both say.
The Joneses were both diagnosed with diabetes during routine checkups. Mrs. Jones says that when she received the diagnosis, she was both "shocked and grateful" at the same time. "I was surprised when blood tests came back with the diabetes diagnosis, since I had been feeling well," she says. "But at the same time, I was grateful for the Diabetes Self-Management Program at Methodist Charlton Medical Center and all the education it provided."
A welcome resource
Mrs. Jones says the program taught her and her husband about the disease
and nutrition, including how to read food labels. She says she has been
a good student and does everything the diabetes educators at Methodist
Charlton told her to do, including exercising.
"Walking is my favorite," she says, adding that the program's staff members are wonderful, caring people. "The program has helped both of us tremendously."
Mr. Jones admits he has not been as diligent with the exercise, but he is working on it. He quickly adds, however, that he adheres closely to his diet plan and has reduced his A1C percentage to an acceptable level. The A1C is a blood test used to measure how well diabetes is controlled. Mr. Jones says he entered the program with an open mind and learned so much.
"I was just so glad that once I was diagnosed, I had this program to turn to," he says. He adds that it is an absolutely wonderful program and that the staff was kind, generous, and so helpful.
"I don't hesitate to recommend this program to my friends who are diagnosed," he says. "I tell them they need to get over to Methodist Charlton and enroll in the program. The Diabetes Self-Management Program at Methodist Charlton is a great asset to the community."