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Jonathan Lawrence – Digestive Disorders Success Story

Jonathan Lawrence, 49, business performance adviser

Jonathan Lawrence

For the first 22 years of my life, I was pretty healthy. I even ran track at Baylor. Then my junior year, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation in the intestinal track.

When my health plan changed 14 years ago, my gastroenterologist referred me to the practice of Narasimharao Vemula, MD*. Since then, Dr. V. and his staff have seen me through all kinds of havoc caused by Crohn’s: appendicitis, removal of part of my large intestine, pancreatitis.

The worst was in 2010, when they found two big abscesses on my liver. My entire digestive system shut down, and it was almost a near-death experience.

Now I just maintain with daily medication, but I don’t think I would be where I am today without Dr. V. and his staff. They’ve been a godsend.

Through everything, I’ve learned that the proactive approach — seeing the doctor for regular checkups — is the smartest thing. Not only does it save money in the long run, but it also keeps problems from getting worse.

Unfortunately, most guys just deal with the pain and hope it goes away. But sometimes you’re way into an illness before your body tells you. That’s why I’m a big proponent of screenings. Plus, when you have a doctor that you know cares about you, like Dr. Vemula, you’re more inclined to want to take care of yourself.

From the fall 2013 edition of Shine magazine.

*Narasimharao Vemula, MD, is an independently practicing gastroenterologist on the medical staff at Methodist Richardson Medical Center.