Bill Burton – Abiomed Impella® 2.5 System and Angioplasty Success Story
Tiny but mighty
The world’s smallest heart pump creates new opportunities for patients with hearts at high risk

time with his granddaughter after he
received the world’s smallest heart pump.
Bill Burton never thought he’d be part of a healthcare “first.” But that’s what happened last fall, when the 51-year-old grandfather became the first patient at Methodist Mansfield Medical Center to benefit from the world’s smallest heart pump: the Abiomed Impella® 2.5 System.
“Once my doctor explained the benefits, I was satisfied that Impella was the right option,” Bill says.
The right place at the right time
After a heart attack in 2007, Bill was diagnosed with coronary artery disease. A stent had to be placed in his coronary artery to improve blood flow to his heart and help prevent future heart attacks.
“It was somewhat shocking, because I had no history of heart trouble,” Bill says. “But I was alive and doing well in cardiac rehab. I put it behind me and got on with my life.”
Little did Bill know that in summer 2015, he would experience another heart attack.
“I was sweeping our pool deck when I started feeling chest pains,” Bill says. “While I was being evaluated in the ED at Methodist Mansfield, I went into cardiac arrest.”
A tiny lifesaver
After he was stabilized, Bill’s doctor determined that he needed an angioplasty (a procedure that repairs blocked blood vessels) and additional stents. But there were two problems.
“His heart muscle was too weak to work on its own during the procedure, and the location of some of the new blockage was in a very sensitive area,” says Arash Manzori, DO, interventional cardiologist on the medical staff at Methodist Mansfield. “That meant Bill was at high risk for complications, or that he might not even survive the procedure at all.”
These challenges made Bill an excellent candidate for the newly developed
Impella 2.5 heart pump. Dr. Manzori and his partner, Tapan Jani, DO, performed
the procedure to implant the device.
“It’s a miniature heart pump that can be inserted without surgery
through a catheter in the groin area and removed the same day,”
Dr. Manzori explains. “It kept Bill’s heart working properly
while we performed a successful angioplasty without complications. Two
days later, we sent him home.”
Successful outcomes for complicated cardiac cases are the reason that Dr. Manzori describes the small-but-mighty Impella as a “lifesaver.”
“Previously, people who were too high risk for angioplasty had two options: bypass surgery — which is more invasive, riskier, and requires additional recovery time — or no intervention at all,” he says. “Impella creates new opportunities for these patients.”
A heart full of gratitude
Bill is thankful for the care he received at Methodist Mansfield, particularly the personal care from Dr. Manzori.
“He even called to see how I was doing, even though he was out of the country dealing with family business,” Bill says. “You just don’t come across doctors like him every day.
“It’s amazing to know that some of the best heart technology in the world is available right across the street from my home,” he adds. “When I had my heart attack, God definitely put me in the right place at the right time to get the medical attention I needed.”