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Larry Jones – Atrial Fibrillation Success Story

Time and your ticker

Fast action prevented damage to Larry Jones’ heart

Methodist Mansfield treated Larry Jones 
for atrial fibrillation, but his wife, Marilyn, 
still makes his heart skip a beat“I’m not one for complaining about little pains, but my heart rate had been resting at 180 for several days,” says Mansfield resident Larry Jones, recounting the days that led up to his trip to the Methodist Mansfield Medical Center emergency department.

“I told my wife, Marilyn, that if it didn’t slow down by the morning, I needed her to take me to the doctor.”

Sure enough, the next morning they were at the doctor learning that Jones’ heart was in atrial fibrillation — a state of irregular heartbeat that can cause congestive heart failure — and that an ambulance was on its way.

“In the ambulance, two paramedics got me situated, started my IV, and were in constant communication with the hospital,” Jones says. “When we got there, we saw a doctor within a minute.”

The hospital staff set to work lowering Jones’ heart rate and running a series of tests. Within an hour, he was sitting up and listening to a new plan to care for his heart.

All in the timing

Larry Jones – Atrial Fibrillation Success Story
“The paramedics and nurses told me that I did the right thing by calling my doctor and then letting an ambulance bring me to the hospital,” Jones says. “They told me that minutes really do make a difference when it comes to chest pain, and if I’d waited longer, it would have eliminated treatment options and possibly created permanent damage.”

Happy to be back to the beat of his regular daily life, the Joneses haven’t forgotten the importance of being aware.

“I’ve learned just how important it is to know where my health is and when to ask for help,” Jones says. “I don’t think I’ll be feeling that chest pain again anytime soon.”

Learn more about Methodist Mansfield’s emergency services.

From the fall 2013 edition of Shine magazine.