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Lance Brown – Bilateral Knee Replacement Success Story

Joint replacement – lucky number 7

Lance Brown finally found relief from knee pain at Methodist Charlton in Dallas

Lance Brown and Family Lance Brown (far right) opted for bilateral knee replacement surgery at Methodist Charlton Medical Center — and can now enjoy more time pain-free with his wife, Gloria Campos, and their twin sons Greg (left) and Anthony.

“It’s the little things that are important,” says Lance Brown, who loves camping, boating, and being outdoors with his wife and twin sons.

For 40 years, persistent knee problems have threatened to sideline those simple pleasures. The constant pain resulted in six knee surgeries over the years, but the pain still plagued Brown.

After seeing Clinton Bell, MD, independently practicing orthopedic specialist on the medical staff at Methodist Charlton Medical Center, Brown decided to have his seventh round of surgery — bilateral knee replacement — in January 2013. Dr. Bell performed Brown’s latest procedure.

The decision

“We decided on bilateral knee replacement because previous surgeries and severe arthritis resulted in misalignment of Mr. Brown’s knees as well as a marked loss of motion,” Dr. Bell says. “I am extremely proud of him for his excellent recovery.” He adds that Brown demonstrated mental toughness and drive, both necessary qualities for those having bilateral knee replacements.

“Everyone said I was courageous to have double knee surgery,” Brown says. “But it was really more about going through the procedure once instead of twice.

“Of course, everyone is different, and some may have extenuating circumstances preventing them from having double knee surgery,” says Brown. “But for me, it was the right decision.”

The experience

Lance Brown and Gloria CamposBrown has only good things to say about his hospital stay and the staff.

“The staff was attentive and always responded quickly to my calls for assistance,” he says.

His wife, Gloria Campos, agrees, adding that her husband’s physical therapist at Methodist Charlton really made an impression on her.

“She was very thorough yet thoughtful and gentle with my husband,” Campos says, noting the staff’s positive attitude and commitment to service. “I was very impressed.”

The new life

Brown is well on his way to recovery. After rehabilitation, he says he now has more good days with his knees, which are offering him a new lease on life. He looks forward to doing all the activities he loves — just living a normal life, going on vacation and visiting different places.

“And I plan to do it all with two good legs to stand on,” he says.

From the fall 2013 edition of Shine magazine.