Denisa Bautista – Pregnancy and childbirth Success Story
Supportive care for urgent deliveries
Methodist Mansfield’s obstetrics emergency department prioritizes women’s health

Denisa says. “Sherlyn is my miracle baby. We were
at the right place at the right time.”
In the early-morning hours of Oct. 3, 2016, 18-year-old Denisa Bautista was doing laundry when strong, painful abdominal cramps took her breath away, making it hard for her to walk. She thought she might have food poisoning, so she called her mom.
Denisa’s mother wasn’t concerned about food poisoning, rather that something was wrong with her daughter’s pregnancy, then just over 39 weeks along. She told Denisa to go immediately to the emergency department at Methodist Mansfield Medical Center.
As soon as Denisa arrived, her water broke. Hospital staff members rushed her to the new obstetrics emergency department (OB/ED). Her baby was coming.
Specialty care makes the difference
“I was scared and excited at the same time,” Denisa says. “It was my first baby, and I didn’t want to lose her. Knowing that the doctors and nurses were doing all they could was so reassuring. I had no idea how far along I was in labor because I didn’t have any of the typical symptoms. The baby came quickly.”
A few hours later, Sherlyn Perez, weighing a healthy 7 pounds, 6 ounces, was delivered at 4:40 p.m. by Paul Lansdowne, MD, board-certified OB-GYN on the Methodist Mansfield medical staff. He placed Sherlyn in an incubator and treated her for jaundice, a common condition among newborns.
“I am so thankful that we came here and that my baby’s father was here to cut the umbilical cord,” Denisa says. “Everyone was so warm and supportive to me.”
Methodist Mansfield’s OB/ED is the first of its kind in the Mansfield/Arlington area, offering around-the-clock care for women experiencing pregnancy-related complications, preterm labor, abnormal bleeding, or gynecologic emergencies.
“The OB/ED, located on the second floor of the Women’s Pavilion, offers women quick assessment and care while providing more privacy and less exposure to airborne illnesses,” says Tiffany Remsing, MD, medical director of the OB/ED and OB-GYN on the Methodist Mansfield medical staff.
Here for women like you
Open since October 2016, the OB/ED has already had a significant impact in the lives of local pregnant women. One woman was suffering with cholestasis (a liver condition that causes severe itching), so doctors decided to induce her delivery at 37 weeks. One mother’s unborn baby was not moving well and required an immediate delivery. Another woman’s fetus was turned sideways in the womb, and the OB/ED team needed to rotate it to the proper position so that the baby could be delivered safely.
The OB/ED specialists have also performed D&Cs (dilation and curettage procedures), removed ovarian cysts, and prescribed antibiotics for pelvic infections. In addition to Drs. Remsing and Lansdowne, the team includes Lynne Haygood-Kane, DO, and Todd Bruno, MD, also on the Methodist Mansfield medical staff. The physicians are available to cover for community OB-GYN physicians during off hours or when they are unable to be at the hospital, as well.
From the summer 2017 edition of Shine magazine.