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Heartburn Treatment Center

Whether you have heartburn, regurgitation, swallowing difficulties or even symptoms in your throat such as cough and hoarseness, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can make your life miserable. It affects eating habits, work productivity, sleep and just your overall quality of life. Many people take large amounts of medicatios that fail to provide the relief they seek.

You don't have to suffer. The Heartburn Treatment Center is here for you. We offer:

  • The latest state-of-the art technologies to test the function of the esophagus, measure acid levels and evaluate for pre-cancerous conditions
  • Personalized treatment programs
  • Compassionate staff
  • Single point of contact with our specially trained Nurse Coordinator who oversees scheduling and completion of your evaluation and treatment
  • An array of medical and surgical treatments that can be selected based on each patient's specific condition

Contact us today to begin your pathway to relief.

Call (682) 242-4373 (GERD).
Or, if you'd like a Heartburn Treatment Center nurse to contact you, click here.