Childbirth Education Classes
Education and preparation classes for moms and families at Methodist Mansfield Medical Center
Bringing new life into the world is a precious moment. The maternity staff
at Methodist Mansfield Medical Center is proud to be part of your exciting
time and offers a variety of childbirth education classes to prepare you
and your family for your newborn’s arrival.
Childbirth Preparation Classes – $70
Offered as one eight hour weekend sessions, this course is designed to
help one prepare for the experience of childbirth and early weeks of parenting
using the Lamaze method of childbirth.
Register by the third and fourth month and take during the seventh month.
Childbirth Preparation Class Registration - currently held online | November 14, December 12 | 9 a.m.
Breastfeeding Classes
Cost: $30
The three-hour class discusses preparation for breastfeeding, breastfeeding
techniques, preventing and solving common breastfeeding problems, pumping
and storing breast milk, and breastfeeding and breast pumping guidelines
for returning to work.
Breastfeeding Class Registration - currently held online
| November 9, December 7 | 6 p.m
If you attend a breastfeeding class at Methodist Mansfield, you're eligible
for a 10% discount off of breast pump products in the Methodist Mansfield gift shop.
Baby Care Classes
Cost: $30
The three-hour class is for expectant parents who want to learn more about
caring for their newborn the first few weeks after birth. Topics include
common newborn behaviors, bathing, immunizations, and signs and symptoms
of illnesses.
Baby Care Registration - currently held online | November 16, December 14 | 6 p.m.
Infant Safety and CPR Classes - Temporarily Cancelled
Cost: $30
The three-hour class teaches the basic skills of infant cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) following the American Heart Association's guidelines.
After CPR, information about infant car seat selection and safety are
reviewed, as well as tips for childproofing the home.
Infant Safety and CPR Registration
Operation D(ad) Day Classes - Temporarily Cancelled
Cost: $0
Veteran dads orient fathers-to-be on the realities of fatherhood. Boot
camp mixes practical instruction on how to hold, feed, and change an infant
with a discussion on topics ranging from caring for the new mom, dealing
with in-laws and visitors, and the importance of teamwork.
Hospital Maternity Tours - Temporarily Cancelled
Cost: $0
Join our Labor and Delivery staff for a tour of the Methodist Mansfield
maternity floor. Registration is required. Enter the hospital through
the east Pavilion entrance and take the elevators to the second floor
to the Labor and Delivery reception area.
Outpatient Lactation After Delivery Counseling - Temporarily Cancelled
Cost: $75
A lactation consultant is available to provide mother and baby with a private,
one hour counseling session for individualized evidence-based education
and support to help achieve their breastfeeding goals. Call
682-242-6366 to schedule your appointment with one of our Lactation Specialists.
Register for a class or call 682-242-6366 for more information.