Giving Birth at Methodist Mansfield
Picture your baby’s birth at Methodist Mansfield.
At Methodist Mansfield Medical Center, we will support you throughout your
entire birthing experience in our spacious
labor/delivery/recovery suites.
These labor/delivery/recovery (LDR) rooms have been designed to provide your medical team with easy access to the specialized equipment they need to see you and your baby safely through labor, childbirth, and recovery.
Our spacious LDR suites feature:
- Personal touches
- Warm décor
- High-speed Internet access
- Flat-screen TV,
- Many other amenities make our LDR suites inviting and comfortable for you and your family
Should you require a Cesarean section or other surgical procedure, your physicians will have the support of our highly trained nurses and surgical teams to see you through your delivery. We have a dedicated operating room within our labor and delivery unit, so you will have peace of mind knowing that advanced technology is just a few steps away.
Mother and Baby Shared Care
Once your baby is finally here, you’ll want to remain close. “Rooming in” gives you a great opportunity for bonding and allows our specialized team of mother-baby nurses to educate, answer questions, provide support, and make sure you’re both doing well.
Precious Moments Quiet Time
Quiet time is offered each day from 1 to 3 p.m. and 1 to 3 a.m., as well as the first 30 minutes following birth. Quiet time is intended to:
- Offer an extended period of rest
- Decrease postpartum sleep deprivation
- Facilitate bonding between mom and baby and dad and baby
- Allow moms to breastfeed without interruption
- Help families transition from hospital schedule to home schedule
During quiet time, visitors will not be allowed unless medically necessary or invited by mom.
Take a virtual photo tour of the labor and delivery suites at Methodist Mansfield Medical Center.