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Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF)

Minimally Invasive GERD Treatment in Richardson

TIF is an innovative, incisionless, minimally invasive procedure performed using the the FDA-cleared EsophyX® device attached to a standard endoscope. The endoscope is gently guided through the mouth and esophagus to the stomach. The TIF device is then used to retract and resection the fundus, using polypropylene fasteners rather than surgical incision, to create a new gastroesophageal valve.

Methodist Richardson Medical Center is one of the few hospitals in Dallas-Fort Worth offering this treatment for patients with GERD.

Advantages of TIF

Incisionless surgery greatly reduces the risks associated with blood loss, need for transfusions, surgical infection, and incisional herniation. Many patients go home the next day and resume normal activities within a few days. The TIF procedure offers patients:

  • Short hospital stays
  • Reduced patient discomfort
  • Quicker recovery
  • No visible scarring

Not all GERD patients may be candidates for the TIF procedure. Thorough evaluation by a gastroenterology specialist is necessary.

To find a doctor or request an appointment,
call (214) 947-0000.