Richardson da Vinci® Myomectomy
Treat Uterine Fibroids at Methodist Richardson Medical Center
A myomectomy is a surgery used to treat the growth of uterine fibroids.
These fibroids are nonaggressive tumors that can grow in or on the walls
of a uterus, sometimes going unnoticed, while other times causing severe
pain. This disease affects over 200,000 women each year, and can cause
expansion of the uterus so much that it pushes up against the rib cage.
Typically, this condition will affect women under the age of 50.
The good news is uterine fibroids can be treated, either by medication that reduces the fibroids, or by a surgery that removes them altogether. Historically, surgeries for uterine fibroids required a sizeable abdominal incision, resulting in long, painful recoveries for the patient. Thanks to new technology, however, these surgeries can now be performed with a small, minimally-invasive belly button incision resulting in much shorter recovery times.
You may be a candidate for myomectomy surgery if you experience:
- Heavy bleeding during your period
- Periods that go on longer than normal
- Pain in your pelvic region
- Pain in your lower back
How Does the Surgery Work?
The innovative da Vinci® system is able to enter smaller spaces than human hands can, meaning the operation uses smaller incisions. This equipment is also more flexible and precise than previous surgical practices, giving your doctor greater control over the procedure.
Recovery and Moving Forward
As this surgery site is so much smaller than before, recovery times can be shortened significantly. Some patients have reported feeling back to normal in just 2 weeks. While this won’t be the case for all patients, there is a higher likelihood of a speedy recovery with the da Vinci® system. It will be important to avoid sexual activity for at least 6 weeks to allow the uterus plenty of time to heal. Make sure you speak with your doctor before attempting to resume normal activity.
To find a doctor or request an appointment,
(214) 947-0000.