Richardson Sacrocolpopexy Surgery
Surgery That Gets You Back on Your Feet Faster
If you’ve suffered prolapse of your uterus or other pelvic organs,
the gynecology center at Methodist Richardson Medical Center now offers
da Vinci® robot-assisted surgery to help you receive the care you
need. Prolapse occurs when organs in the pelvis gradually descend down
lower into the abdomen, sometimes exiting the body altogether, often causing
serious issues such as incontinence and bleeding.
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a fairly common condition, affecting around 30% of women over 50. This condition has been known to follow child delivery, weight gain, hysterectomies, and other strains on the pelvic organs. If you’ve noticed any symptoms of POP, know that you are not alone. Our gynecology center has cared for many POP cases, and has the knowledge and compassion necessary to help you recover.
You may be a candidate for sacrocolpopexy surgery if you’ve experienced:
- Excessive bleeding
- Vaginal infection
- Vaginal bulge
- Urinary incontinence
- Constipation
- Back pain
- Feeling that something is falling out of your vagina
What Happens in a Sacrocolpopexy?
Sacrocolpopexy is a reconstructive surgery where a medical-grade mesh is used to reconnect pelvic organ tissue to provide support for the uterus. In the past, this procedure was complicated and difficult. However, thanks to the da Vinci® system, sacrocolpopexies can now be performed laparoscopically, using minimally-invasive tools to perform the surgery. Your doctor will be able to proceed with greater access and precision, and your body will have less to heal from.
Preparation & Recovery
As with most surgeries, you’ll need to abstain from food or drink for 8 hours before your procedure. After the procedure is complete, you’ll want to take it easy for the first 2 weeks. Avoid strenuous activity, although a light walk is generally a good way to promote blood flow and healing. In all cases, it’s important to speak with your doctor first.
To find a doctor or request an appointment,
(214) 947-0000.