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Learn More About Mammography

What is a mammogram?

A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray of breast tissue used to screen for breast cancer. Each breast is X-rayed separately, from at least two angles, while it's pressed between two plates to spread the tissue and create a clearer image.

Who needs a mammogram?

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network recommends yearly mammography beginning at age 40.

Women with a family history of breast cancer may need to start screening sooner. If you have a family history of breast cancer, ask your doctor when you should start getting regular mammograms.

Who is eligible for a screening mammogram?

A woman is eligible for a screening mammogram if she meets the following criteria:

  • She is age 40 or older
  • She is not pregnant or nursing
  • She is at least 5 years out from previously diagnosed breast cancer
  • She is not currently experiencing any breast symptoms, such as a lump or breast pain
  • She has not had a mammogram within the past 12 months

Where is a mammogram performed?

You can schedule an appointment at one of Methodist Health System's Women's Imaging Centers or with our mobile mammography van. Either option offers you the latest in technology and a softer, warmer, and more comfortable digital mammogram with the foam-cushioned MammoPad®.

To schedule your mammogram call the Breast Center at Methodist Charlton at (214) 947-5490

Keep the Date for Your Mammogram

When should you start getting mammograms? And how often do you need them? In this video, physicians on the Methodist Health System medical staff share best practices for women to take charge of their breast health. They also share details about some of Methodist’s innovative programs that empower women when it comes to their wellness.

Texas law prohibits hospitals from practicing medicine. The physicians on the Methodist Health System medical staff are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Methodist Health System, or any of its affiliated hospitals.