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Methodist Charlton Heart Failure Clinic

Giving Southwest Dallas the tools to combat heart failure.

The most common cause of hospitalization in people over the age of 65 is heart failure. It affects about 5.7 million people in the United States, and 790,000 people in the U.S. have heart attacks each year.

In an effort to help meet the needs of our patients in Southwest Dallas, Methodist Charlton Medical Center has established the Heart Failure Clinic. Our goal is to provide excellent, quality care that is guideline directed for outpatient disease management during all stages of heart failure. Through compliances with recommended guidelines, patient education, patient follow-up, and continuity of care, we hope to improve the quality of life for heart failure patients in Dallas and the surrounding suburbs to the south and west.

Services coordinated through the clinic:

The Heart Failure Clinic is designed to provide care to help stabilize and manage heart failure symptoms. We are here to serve heart failure patients and patients at risk for developing heart failure. We aim to assist other healthcare professionals who provide care for these patients. We provide diagnosis, treatment, routine monitoring, and optimized follow up care. These services are provided in addition to and in between a patient’s scheduled follow-up.

The Clinic can be contacted at:

Phone Number: (214) 947-7112
Fax Number: (214) 947-7150

3400 W. Wheatland Rd., POB III
Dallas, Texas 75237

Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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