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Cancer Survivorship

Survive and Thrive After Treatment

As your cancer treatment ends, you might be wondering: What’s next? It is normal to feel mixed emotions ranging from happiness and relief to anxiety and fear. Thanks to advances in medical research and technology and early detection, there are approximately 17 million cancer survivors in the world today. This number is expected to rise to over 20 million cancer survivors by year 2026. Due to the rapidly growing population of cancer survivors in the world today, it becomes increasingly important that our cancer survivors are living well after cancer treatment ends.

The word “Survivorship” often describes living with, through, and beyond cancer. Cancer survivorship care is intended to support patients after cancer treatment ends and help you thrive and find your “new normal” as life moves forward. Survivorship is unique for every person, and it is our goal to help you navigate through these challenges. Together we can focus on your health and wellness as you move into the next stage of your cancer journey.

Cancer Survivor Nurse Navigator
The patient care experience at Methodist Dallas benefits from an experienced oncology nurse navigator who works directly with our cancer survivors to support and assist patients through the challenges that may arise after cancer treatment is completed. Danielle Fortado, BSN, RN, OCN meets with cancer survivors by referral for an individualized cancer survivorship meeting. Her goal is for each patient to feel supported and empowered to take an active role in their health after their cancer treatment ends.

For more information about cancer survivorship services at Methodist Dallas, call (214) 947-1781.

Cancer Survivorship meeting includes:

  • Individualized Cancer Survivorship Care Plan (treatment summary + follow-up plan)

  • Managing long-term/late treatment side effects

  • Coping with fear of recurrence

  • Implementing a healthy lifestyle

    • Nutritional Wellness

    • Physical Wellness

    • Social Wellness

    • Psychological Wellness

    • Spiritual Wellness

  • Resources in the community

  • Resources at Methodist Dallas Medical Center

  • Distress Screening

Cancer Survivors Support Groupmembers of Methodist Dallas cancer support group
Methodist Dallas Cancer Survivor’s Support Group meets the first Tuesday evening of the month at from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Weatherford Room located in the first room on the right of the main lobby entrance. This support group offers emotional support and connection, as well as information and resources for patients after cancer treatment is completed. All cancer survivors and caregivers are invited to participate in the sessions. For more information about support services, call (214) 947-1781.

Steps You Can Take:

  • Get moving! The American Cancer Society recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week.

  • Eat healthy! It is important to eat at least 2 ½ cups of vegetables and fruits per day. Choose whole-grains when deciding on breast, pastas, or cereals. Avoid eating processed meats such as cold cuts, hotdogs, and sausages and limit your consumption of red meat.

  • Control your weight. You can help control your weight by eating healthy and exercising.

  • Avoid tobacco. There is no safe form of tobacco.

  • Limit alcohol intake. Men should have no more than 2 drinks per day and women should have no more than 1 drink per day.

Methodist Dallas Medical Center Resources:

  • Folsom Fitness Center, 262 West Greenbriar · Dallas, Texas 75203: (214) 947-1890

  • Danielle Fortado, RN for Dietary Referrals: (214) 947-1781

  • Maiya Bangurah, Community Outreach Specialist, for Smoking Cessation: (214) 947-1768

Cancer Survivor Resources: