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Gynecology Surgery in Dallas

Safer, Faster Robot-Assisted Surgical Procedures

When surgery is required, patients can come to Methodist Dallas Medical Center for some of the most cutting-edge care. Using robotic technology, our skilled doctors have the ability to perform gynecology operations with minimally invasive techniques that can result in faster patient recovery times. With these robot-assisted methods, it’s often easier than ever to get the gynecological healthcare you need.

Understanding How Robot-Assisted Surgery Can Help

By using robot-assisted technology, our surgeons no longer have to make large, abdominal incisions for every patient. These large incisions typically take weeks or months to heal, which makes it more difficult for patients to schedule the surgery they need. Instead, most robot-assisted surgeries require three small incisions, which are less invasive and heal far more quickly. In certain hysterectomy cases, the surgery can be performed with just one incision.

Robot-assisted gynecologic surgical procedures we offer include:

  • Hysterectomy
  • Single-Site™ hysterectomy
  • Myomectomy
  • Oophorectomy
  • Sacrocolpopexy

Do I Need Surgery?

When you have health complications that go beyond a simple office visit, it may be time for surgery. Scheduling a visit with our gynecology center can help you discover what procedure is right for you. At your visit, your physician will be able to assess what you’re experiencing and make educated recommendations based on your specific condition.

You may require surgery if you experience:

  • Chronic pain during your period
  • Irregular periods
  • Endometriosis
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Pelvic prolapse
  • Adenomyosis
  • Uterine Fibroids

If you’re having experienced any of these symptoms, or are experiencing a different gynecological problem, it’s time to talk to your doctor about visiting the gynecological center at Methodist Dallas Medical Center.

Our caring physicians will offer the guidance and support you require. We will explain what you should expect during and after surgery and will tell you how to properly prepare for your procedure. The more you know about your operation, the better you can prepare for your recovery.

Request an Appointment with a Gynecologist
(214) 947-0000 or click to schedule.