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Weight-Loss Surgery FAQs

Information About Weight Loss Surgery at Methodist Dallas Medical Center

Weight loss surgery is an involved procedure, and one you should only agree to if you are well-informed on the risks and benefits. For patients suffering from obesity-related health conditions, weight loss surgery could be a lifesaving procedure.

How do I decide between surgical or non-surgical weight-loss options?

Choosing to have weight-loss surgery is a very personal decision, and a difficult one at that. Most patients have tried for years to lose weight on their own and have failed. Discuss with your doctor what the best solution is for you.

Am I candidate for weight-loss surgery?

Typically you are a candidate for weight loss surgery if:

  • You are more than 100 pounds overweight
  • You have a BMI over 40
  • You have a BMI over 35 and serious health conditions related to your weight, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, or severe sleep apnea
  • You are unable to reach or maintain a healthy body weight, even with medically supervised dieting

How do I choose a surgeon?

Before selecting a bariatric surgeon for your weight-loss, ask the following questions:

  • Is the doctor board certified?
  • How many procedures of this type has she or he performed?
  • What kind of after-surgery support program does the physician offer?
  • How many patients reach and maintain a healthy weight?
  • Will the physician provide patient referrals?

What types of weight-loss surgery are offered at the Methodist Dallas Weight Management Program?

If you make the decision to have weight-loss surgery, what kind of results can you expect?

Most bariatric surgery patients lose weight rapidly in the initial period after the weight-loss surgery — as much as 50 percent of their excess weight within six months. Many weight-loss surgery patients continue to lose weight for as long as two years if the make the required lifestyle changes.

Individual weight-loss surgery results vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Age
  • Weight before weight-loss surgery
  • Type of weight-loss surgery
  • Overall health
  • Ability to exercise
  • Commitment to dietary recommendations and other follow-up care
  • Support from family and friends

Weight-loss surgery can also improve serious health conditions such as:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea
  • Depression

What is the expected recovery time for weight-loss surgery?

Most patients are able to return to work in 1-2 weeks. However, recovery time is highly individual depending on which procedure is done and how well the patient regains their strength. The first two weeks are not only a time for healing but also for getting used to the new characteristics of their stomachs.

Will I need plastic surgery after weight-loss surgery?

How much weight a patient loses, the patient's age, and the location of the excess skin are just a few of the variables that influence the need for plastic surgery. Our bariatric surgeons can help you with this decision.

Will my insurance cover weight-loss surgery?

Most insurance companies offer weight-loss surgery as an option to employers. The professionals at the Methodist Dallas Weight Management Program can help you contact your insurance company to see if your employer has chosen this coverage.

Can weight-loss surgery help with my fertility problems?

Many different medical conditions can affect fertility. Obesity can be the cause of infertility in both females and males. In many cases, if weight is the underlying cause, weight-loss surgery can help.

How can I keep the weight off?

After weight-loss surgery, everyone loses different percentages of their excess body weight. How much a person loses, and how well they are able to maintain that weight loss is determined by how well they have incorporated both healthy eating and healthy activity habits into their everyday lifestyle. The weight-loss surgery process at the Methodist Weight Management Program includes discounts at Methodist's fitness centers.

Can my self-image/self-esteem really improve?

Losing weight may improve your self-esteem, but these operations are medical procedures first and foremost. Our primary goal is to give patients a head start in preventing major obesity-related health complications. Obesity has been linked to depression, but losing weight through surgery is not a replacement for real mental health care.

Is it possible to regain weight after surgery?

It is. At the Methodist Dallas Weight Management Program, we work extensively with our weight-loss surgery patients both pre- and post-operatively to ensure they have the tools necessary to make the right decisions after surgery. Failing to make lifestyle changes after surgery can cause the weight to come back.

What should I do if I think weight-loss surgery is for me?

All it takes to get started on the healthier life you deserve is to contact the Methodist Dallas Weight Management Program. Call 214-947-0004, toll-free 1-866-500-1852. You can also schedule a consultation online.