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Liver, Pancreas, and Biliary Surgery

Experts in Liver, Pancreas, and Biliary Surgery

A recognized leader in the treatment of digestive disorders, Methodist Dallas Medical Center offers a wide range of options to diagnose and treat diseases of the liver, pancreas, and biliary system, including robot-assisted surgery. Call today to learn more about our robotic procedures at (214) 933-6601.

Leaders in Robot-Assisted Liver & Pancreas Surgeries in North Texas

North Texas’ first fully robotic, partial pancreas and liver removal surgery was performed at Methodist Dallas in 2013. Since 2013, 115 robot-assisted pancreaticoduodenectomies (Whipples) have been performed at Methodist Dallas. This complicated, cancer-treating procedure, known as a Whipple, involves the removal of a tumor in the head of the pancreas. Methodist Dallas also performs distal pancreatectomies and splenectomies to remove tumors in the body or tail ('thin end') of the pancreas. In 2014 Methodist Dallas became a robotic epicenter for the da Vinci® robotic surgical system, as well as the first hepatobiliary-focused general surgery epicenter. Alejandro Mejia, MD, FACS, executive director of organ transplantation at Methodist Dallas, is also a designated epicenter surgeon by Intuitive, the maker of the da Vinci® system, and trains physicians worldwide on robot-assisted surgery.

Robot-assisted surgery is also used during organ transplantation at Methodist Dallas.

Is Robotic Surgery Right for You?

Methodist Dallas is known for its patient-centered, multidisciplinary team approach to care planning. As a patient receiving care for liver, pancreas, or biliary cancers or disorders, you will have a team of specialists, including surgeons, oncologists, gastroenterologists, and hepatologists working together to design a care plan that may involve chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, or a combination of therapies. The goals include achieving a cure, or life-extending outcomes; reducing pain, preventing complications, and returning you to your normal activities as quickly as possible. Whether or not robotic surgery will play a role in your treatment depends on many factors. Your care team will consider your overall health and the type of condition you are facing to help design the best plan. If you are a candidate for robot-assisted surgery you may realize many possible benefits.

Benefits of Robot-Assisted Surgery

Because they are minimally invasive, robot-assisted hepatic (liver), pancreatic, and biliary (gallbladder and bile duct) surgeries often require smaller incisions than open or traditional surgery to access the organs and insert the instruments. Potential benefits include:

  • Reduced blood loss
  • Decreased risk of infection or complication
  • Less scaring
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Faster recovery period
  • Reduced pain

Conditions We Treat

Patients who turn to Methodist Dallas for the treatment of digestive diseases will have access to the full array of some of the most advanced technology and the recognized expertise of physicians and caregivers who specialize in treating complex gastrointestinal disorders. These include both cancer and non-cancerous conditions of the:

High Quality Cancer Care at Methodist Dallas

Accredited by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer, Methodist Dallas Cancer Program was distinguished by the Commission’s Outstanding Achievement Award in 2016. Furthermore, in 2014, Methodist Dallas became the first in the nation to receive the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for pancreatic surgery, and the first in Texas to receive the Gold Seal of Approval for Pancreatic Cancer care. Furthermore, Methodist Dallas is also an education and research center, which gives patients access to the latest treatments and clinical trials. When you trust your care to us, you partner with a team committed to excellence in treating liver, pancreas, and biliary disease.

Contact Methodist Dallas Medical Center to discuss your treatment options with a member of our highly qualified medical staff.